Friday, May 1, 2015

Finishing up:

The last few days have been a switch in focus for Kathy and me.
Billy Edwin, the staff member, here, who is holding things together as far as maintenance decided to take me up on my offer to help.  A bathroom vanity in one of the units used by staff had basically disintegrated--chipboard doesn't fare well in this climate.  We salvaged the front of the unit, oak, and I was able to make the sides bottom, etc. out of some material that was on hand.  When we were getting ready to install the vanity we checked out a plumbing problem.  The cold water hadn't been working in the bathroom sink.  A bit of backtracking & I found that a pipe had been broken off in the past & just capped off.  Why?  I have no idea.  Anyhow, we got that fixed.
After getting the bathroom operational, I looked into a four tube fluorescent fixture that worked intermittently, and never worked right.  With some help via the internet and a couple trips to Home Depot we were able to get it converted from using T12 tubes to T8--more efficient.  It works great now.  The lady of the house was pleased.
We also tracked down an issue with an outlet.  Mostly looking, figuring, checking, isolating.  We tracked down the issue and got it operational.

We have three units on campus that are converted cargo containers.  That is pretty common here, since they are typhoon rated.  The oldest is used for housing for ladies.  Kathy has been up to her eyeballs in swamping out, cleaning and painting there.  Tonight we head to the baccalaureate service.  Tomorrow we help set up for graduation and attend that ceremony.

I gave my class their final today, and attended a faculty meeting.

We fly on Monday.    
Theo 200 class.  The smiles are probably because they are done.  I hope they all passed.
Front,:Robert Choi, Yumiko Linny, Mary Jane Edwin, Back:  Lian Stae, Jordan Charley, Jordan Darrow--at first I called them Jordan with a hat and Jordan without a hat, but then Jordan without a hat started wearing one--a Yankees' hat, no less--me, Cedric Hollowell, and Jele' (Jele' is only part of his first name)  Binejal.  1st languages in the group.  Chuukese, Korean, Marshallese, Pohnpeian, Palauan, & English.

I'll miss you guys! 

1 comment:

  1. Great pic!! Praying you enjoy this weekend and finish well! :)
