Wednesday, February 17, 2016


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Dear Partners in Ministry,

We have been in Palau over a month.  I have shared information on our blog and through other media, but figure it is time to share a more formal update.  So, here goes.
Clearly, Kathy and I have failed in one of the prime requirements for being a missionary—we haven’t taken very many pictures.  I will include a couple out of the few that we have taken.
We are here working with three entities.  Liebenzell Mission did the pioneer work in Palau.  They brought the Gospel here from Germany in the early Twentieth Century.  The group of churches they established is known collectively as the Palau Evangelical Church.  LM and PEC were part of the founding group of what is today Pacific Islands University.  PIU has a very small extension located on the campus of Palau Community College.  That is where my primary responsibility lies.
I am teaching two entry level courses:  New Testament Survey and Introduction to Christian Doctrine.  I have two students officially enrolled in my NT class and two or three more who are studying along with us, though not for college credit.  There are three students, all fully enrolled, in the Theology class.  I have class fromMonday-Thursday5:00-6:30.  Here is a big prayer request.  Most of the students in the classes have direct input into the lives of young people.  I was really encouraged this afternoon.  Alex is one of my non-credit students.  Last week we covered the Gospel of Luke.  I told the class that one unique feature of Luke is his emphasis on people that were often ignored or put down.  The Parable of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10:30-37, is one example.  Alex taught a group of teens last weekend.  The lesson was the Good Samaritan and how they should not look down on others.  We heard a similar example last night as we had ice cream with another of our students.  Pray that this kind of “from me to others, to others”ministry will continue.  I hope for a bit more reflection and making it “my own” in the future, but it is a good start.
Classes are going well.  I have also had opportunity to preach.  The Lord is using us to encourage other missionaries, and we are praying that Kathy can build some meaningful relationships and find opportunities for ministry.  We have some hope in that regard.
We are healthy.  Kathy walks daily, and I’m biking.  We have a comfortable apartment and car to drive.  God is good.
A little less than a month from now we will go to Guam for the PIU Board meeting and the schools 40/25 year anniversary celebration.  The school was founded forty years ago, and has been in Guam for twenty-five years.  Our Spring Break at PIU-Palau corresponds with these events.
We are always glad to hear from you.  Our email addresses and  You can send postal mail, from the US, here at the domestic rates.  Our address is H&K Merrell / co P.I.B.C / PO Box 10065 / Koror Palau 96940.
Thank you for partnering with us in prayer and support.


The picture on the left is one of our neighbors.  We can see a harbor from our porch, where several sailboats are anchored.  The picture on the right is a fortification left over from WW2.  Kathy walks past it on her daily route.

Again, thank you.  Stay in touch.

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