Friday, September 29, 2023

September Prayer Letter


How many times in a week do you say something like, “I’m busy right now, I’ll get back to you later.”? It’s a normal happening. Generally, we call or text back in a short while.

When Kathy and I lived on Guam the time for us was about half-a-day ahead of most of our family back in the States. Often “later” meant either they or we were in bed, or at work or school. There were two windows of communication, one in the morning, and one in the evening. Calling a grandchild for their birthday or reaching out to a long-term friend for support could be complicated—often frustrating. I won’t mention dealing with the IRS at 1:00 AM. 😊

It’s just one example of the many things that stress those who live in another place, with a different culture, where “everybody” speaks a strange language, and where the days and nights are all mixed up.

Liebenzell USA appointed Kathy and me as Missionary Care Associates to help ease the stress for missionaries serving in difficult places. Quite often when I talk to one of “our” missionaries they will apologize for not being at our monthly SMMM (Second Monday Missionary Meeting), or not sending a thank you for a birthday present their child received. Kathy or I always assure them that no apology is needed. We host the monthly fellowship/prayer time, send gifts to MKs (missionary kids), and do the other things we do to be a blessing, not create another obligation. Our goal is to build a community of care. Missionaries are like the rest of us. We work better when we have encouragement. Many of you have contributed to the fund that allows us to encourage these valued servants. That encourages us. Thank you.

Here are some reasons we are thankful, and some matters we would appreciate you praying about. Not all of the following are directly related to our work with LMUSA, but they represent who we are at this point in life. Thanks for joining us in praise and prayer.

·       We praise the Lord for the good health we enjoy. We don’t take it for granted. Kathy is a dedicated walker. Over the last few months, I’ve gotten back into regular biking. Thank you, Lord.

·       My supervisor at the mission is Mike. Mike has been diagnosed with Lyme disease. He is suffering with general fatigue and weakness in his legs, particularly the right leg. Please pray for Mike.

·       It is fun to send birthday presents to the MKs on behalf of the mission. Sometimes it is complicated. International mail is expensive, often uncertain, and in at least one case nonexistent. Kindle books sometime work, as does Amazon. Pray that we can find creative and wise ways to bless the kids.

·       We are mostly past COVID in our day-to-day lives in North America, for some of our missionary family the virus remains a nagging problem. Sometimes it complicates travel. To vax or not can be a big issue. Pray for wisdom.

·       I’ll be traveling to Zambia in January. I’ll be visiting with several missionary families, speaking at a staff training gathering at an international Christian school, speaking at an English-speaking church, and participating in a national church conference. It will be a full two weeks.

·       It’s likely, sometime in the next several months, that Kathy will head back to Guam to help one of our missionary ladies finish up a remodeling project, as well as encourage others. Pray for wisdom on this decision.

·       We are seeking to encourage a young family who are planning to go to Ecuador. If you, or your church are interested in supporting a sharp couple, let me know. Please pray for Steven and Gwen.

·       Kathy and I continue to minister on Sunday mornings at a little church about forty miles from our home. Pray that we can help this congregation get back on a firmer foundation.

·       Kathy is speaking at a women’s conference in New Hampshire, next month.

·       Our family is well. We are glad to see significant ministry that comes from sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren.

·       We are thankful that your past generosity is enabling our current caring-for-missionaries ministry. Our current ministry expenses are covered. We’ll keep you posted. If you have questions, get in touch with us.

We are busy, but we welcome your contact. If we don’t pick up the phone or answer an electronic communique right away, we will try to get back to you. You have permission to bug us. We respond pretty well to good natured nagging. As I rode my bike today, as I often am, I was impressed with the beauty of God’s world. We hope you are enjoying your part of the world. Look around in wonder and look up in thanks.


By His Grace,

Kathy & Howard

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