Saturday, October 26, 2019

Right now the Merrells are on two sides of the world.

As I write this post, only one of us is in Micronesia, but we are both part of the continuing adventure.
Essential to "an adventure" is the "venture" of experiencing something new and challenging. Our life continues to have those elements. Some aspects of adventuring are more fun than others; that means some aren't all that enjoyable.
For Kathy and me, being away from one another is no good. Right now, though, it is necessary, and there are good things going on.
Kathy dropped me at the airport on Guam, early October 19. After stops in Honolulu, Los Angeles, and Denver, I arrived in Dallas, just "a few" hours after I left. Actually, the flight took the better part of a day, but time in Texas is "Chamorro Standard time" minus fifteen hours.
There are small communities of Micronesians all over the United States. I had supper with a Chuukese couple--he is a pastor and church leader. I worshipped with a group from Palau, on Sunday morning. Both promised to send me some pictures, but I haven't gotten them yet. Micronesians love their island cultures. One of the ladies in the Palauan/Texan group had been in Palau at the Gospel Day celebration earlier this year. Kathy and I were also there. It is important for PIU and me to maintain these connections with the Micronesian Diaspora.

PIU is also dependent on connections with churches. Former PIU Board Member, John Robertson, arranged for he and I to meet a couple of members of the Missions leadership team at Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, in Houston. John and Anna recently moved from Guam to Houston. MDPC is their church. MDPC invests heavily in missionary ventures. As a pastor, I know that there are far more opportunities to invest than there are resources to invest (on a local level, with God there is no lack). John and I very much enjoyed meeting with Kelsi and Amy. We leave the outcome in the Lord's hands.
Since I am traveling all over this side of the world, and some on the other side, I decided that I should--real burden, here--visit with family. I drove from Dallas to Houston, with an overnight in Corsicana, where I met my Micronesian friends. After the meeting at MDPC on Monday, I drove to Shreveport LA, where I met my two oldest grands, Carrington and Christopher. After supper, I drove to College Station Texas, let myself into the house and saw Silas and Kira when I got up. I was only at Chris and Nancy's house for about twenty-six hours, but I really enjoyed it.

I left early on Thursday morning, drove to Dallas and flew, by way of  Greenville Mississippi, to Atlanta. I didn't know when I booked the flight, but my journey was in a little single-engine plane. The airport in Greenville, a farming community near the Mississippi River, was about the smallest I had ever been in. The plane I was on, was the only one in sight. It was an enjoyable trip. I enjoyed seeing the farmland and rivers below.

Madeline is a student at North Greenville University. I met her for supper in the little touristy town of Traveler's Rest. From there, I went on to Rock Hill South Carolina, where I am now. One of my Papa traditions is doing a doughnut run. Ava and I picked up a supply at Crispy Creme this morning. I'll attend church at North Rock Hill Church, where Chad pastors. Chris, who joined us here last night, is preaching in the morning.

In between family time the main purpose of my trip continued. While in College Station I met with a potential partner. Please pray for this ongoing conversation. Between Atlanta and Greenville, I spent a delightful hour with Sue Rector. Sue is one of our partners; she supports Kathy and me in our missionary venture.

 This relationship cam together in a remarkable way. You can read about it, here. It gave me real joy to see Sue's bulletin board. She said she kept our prayer card there to remind her to pray for us. Just what we hope for.

This is going to get too long, so I'll wrap it up and continue it tomorrow or sometime soon. I'll give you some meanwhile back on Guam news.
I appreciate you praying for us.
As I flew over the rich southern farmland, I was reminded of the words of our Lord to His disciples, and through the inspiration of Holy Spirit to us. "The fields are white for harvest." John 4:35. In Matthew 10:38, Jesus instructs His disciples to "pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

For now, that's the prayer request I leave with you. That, and that I'll get back to Kathy on November 25.

Watch for part 2.

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