Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday Chapel.

PIU typically has two chapel services a week.  The largest of our classrooms is quickly converted into space for the service.  It reminds me of the old days at Appalachian Bible Institute.  There one room doubled for dining hall and chapel.  A crew of guys took down tables, arranged chairs for chapel and then put it all back for the noon meal.  I remember hearing life-impacting messages in chapel.  I am a better man because I was there.  As I prepared for this morning's chapel service I was reminded of those good times.  Speaking to a group of young adults, some of whom are training for professional ministry is a great opportunity.  I didn't want to blow it.  I hope I didn't.  It'll take fifty years or so to know.  If you are a good bit younger than me, let me know when we meet in heaven.
Especially since it's the week after Easter I decided to do a message I presented at Covington Bible Church on Easter 2014.  Kathy was here to help me, so that made it better.
It was a privilege to share.  The students seemed to be tuned in.
We'll see.


  1. Here is a post about putting this message together, and an encouragement for others to do this.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm sure you did great. Thanks for being obedient to this call.
