Sunday, April 12, 2015

Under the heading of "Well-fed"

Friday night the Owen's neighbors, folk from one of the outer islands of Chuuk, had a major celebration in honor of their granddaughters first birthday.  They asked the Owens if they could use their "driveway" and part of their yard for parking.  Of course, as good neighbors, they agreed.  Likewise as good neighbors and in gratitude, we were invited to the feast.  Various kinds of grilled
meats & fish, rice, taro, fruit, this delicious cooked coconut stuff,  and things I don't recognize but that I enjoyed greatly, were provided in grat abundance.  It was good.  Hopefully we didn't offend our hosts.  The proper thing to do is to not only eat your fill, but to take some home.  It was late, and we knew what was coming the next day, so we didn't go through the serving line again.
The next day we were the hosts.  Pacific Islands University held a promotional barbecue.  Ribs, chicken, a shredded chicken dish--which Kathy liked a lot-- rice--there is always rice--and this delicious Chomorro seasoning called, finadene.  I can't vouch for the accuracy of this wiki-description, but this will give you an idea what the stuff is like.  Trust me.  It's good.
Kathy and worked to help set up, welcome guests, and tear down.  TEENWEEK & Discovery Night were good training.
Yesterday we did bring leftovers home.  Supper in a little while.  Yep, we are being well-fed.

(You can see some more pictures at my friend's blog,,

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